Thursday, September 26, 2013

Seeing Video Games Differently

 After class yesterday, I was impressed with the discussion generated by the topic of video games. I guess you know it is a good lecture when students can't stop talking about it after class (Dr. Burton is great)!

This is one of the reasons I took this class. The world we live in is advancing at such a rapid pace and I think it's important to know what's going on and how to navigate these changes. 

Admittedly, I have always had a bad taste in my mouth for video games/online gaming. I picture this one episode of "The Big Bang Theory" where Penny... well you'll see.

 In the clip, you'll notice how it fully addresses the stereotyped characteristics of a  gamer. I'll have to admit that this is what I thought of when video games came up and I didn't want any part of it. My husband is not interested in video games aside from Mario Party at a friend's house once in a while and that is fine with me!

However, I want to change my attitude toward the gaming world. And conveniently, I think studying English literature gives one an open mind.

I found an article online about the positive effect of action video games.  Dr. Markman concluded that overall, those who play action video games process visual stimulants faster and come to quicker conclusions. My only question is whether or not that is a useful skill.

Personally I am much more satisfied with Dr. Burton's opinion that sophisticated modern games can broaden your perspective of the world and of philosophies within, like Bio Shock Infinite.

Although I do not intend to start personally playing video games, I am learning and open to the positive aspects of gaming, especially gamification. Who knows what video games will be like when I have kids and maybe I'm destined to raise the next Ender. 

Maybe not... but regardless, I'll be on the lookout for good articles/media promoting video games to increase my understanding.


  1. I really enjoyed our conversation yesterday with Victoria. And I like what you have to say here. I too have opened my mind to video games a bit more. I'm still not a fan of violent video games, but then again I'm not a fan of violent anything. I think it all comes down to moderation. This post inspired a blog post for me actually. Check it out! :)

  2. I love this! I think this is really fun and interesting that we're all talking about this now. I think it is something that we need to remember because someday our kids will probably be playing video games, whether we like it or not. However, I think that it is important to remember moderation in all things, just like Kristen said. Video games can be a really good, immersive, beautiful experience, but that gets destroyed if all you're going into it for is to shoot some guys head off. I think that the more creative and artistic games get out there, the more we'll be seeing the positive effects of video games.

  3. That video clip is hilarious and so realistic. I'll admit that I'm guilty of stereotyping gamers into Penny's category from the clip. It doesn't help that I have a relative who acts just like she does when he plays video games. Because of his behavior, he has somewhat ostracized himself from family gatherings, because people are nervous to be around his rough edged personality when he's playing a video game on his cell phone or other devices. All things in moderation!! You guys also inspired my blog post for this week too. Thanks so much!
