Monday, November 18, 2013

My Research on Fandoms (for Victoria)

In all of my research for my personal topic of youth online, I have come across a lot of material regarding fandoms and I've always thought to myself that I wish I could just link them all to Victoria, since I knew this was her subject. Regretfully, I didn't! This not only applies to Victoria, but to any of the topics in class. Just through my personal experience in researching, I've found that digital culture is like a giant spiderweb where everything somehow connects to everything. Because of this, I've come across a lot of articles for various subject.
For now though, I am going to do some altruistic research on fandoms and their benefits. I worry that Victoria has already seen all of these links, but I might as well try. Hopefully Victoria, and anyone else with similar subjects, will benefit from some of this research! I found it very clear and helpful for me to see how Kristen organized her research blog post for me and my subject, so that's how I will organize my findings here.

Scholarly Articles:

Fandoms and Media Literacy

Interactive Audiences

Female Fandoms Online

Fantasy Franchises/Fandoms

Visible Fandoms

The Death and Closing of a Fan Community

Twitter and Fandoms


Rise and Fall of Fandoms

Selling Fan Fiction

The "Why" behind Fandoms

Happiness in Fandoms

Fandoms Being Seen


25 Most Devoted Fan Bases

Video: Can Fandoms Change Society?

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