Sunday, September 8, 2013

Digital Culture Follow-Up

I am really excited for this class! The conversation we had last Wednesday regarding digital culture was very interesting to me. 

I had a reoccurring thought during the discussion about quantity vs. quality. I may not be able to make this a general application to all students, but when I go into a library for research, I revel in the walls of books that surround me. When I do research online, however, I get easily overwhelmed. I'll be in the middle of reading an article when there's a link off to the side directing me to another article. Then when I go to the new article, there are more links leading me to other similar sites. I get easily distracted and read lots of snippets of literature, but not enough to formulate quality ideas with sufficient support. It's at that point in any online research that I throw in the towel and finish up my studies with web surfing for the quickest delicious recipe that I can later attempt and probably fail at making. 

I'm excited to jumpstart blogging and develop skills that will improve my work.

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