Monday, October 7, 2013

Midterm 1 (pt 1)

Index of all prior posts:
  • Introductions and Other Noteworthy Stuff: This is where I initially introduced myself as a prospective writer and hopeful for this class.
  • Queequeg -- Perfectly Content to Make You Uncomfortable: I talked about how Queequeg could be read as a representation of what is now the internet. How he broke culture norms and made people (particularly males) feel uncomfortable.
  • Moby Dick: A Novel?: This is where I naively tried to force Moby Dick into being a novel the way I understood it. I have come to realize since then the complexity of the issue, and how much more I needed to learn before giving a complete judgment.
  • Fandoms: I am a part of several fandoms and I talked about whether or not being a fanatic is a good or bad thing. I talk about fanfiction and ways that it can grow awry.
  • Entertainment: Here I talk about why I found Moby Dick to read and whether or not Melville could have used a good editor. I discuss briefly what we consider entertaining now a days and try, once again, to categorize Moby Dick.
  • Continuing With Outsourcing: Here I discuss some of the benefits of outsourcing. Unfortunately for me, a comment on the blog given by Dr. Burton points out that I may have confused the terms outsourcing with crowdsourcing. I discuss how interesting I find that large companies are turning to people to do tasks rather than experts, especially since so often I have found that people in large groups aren't as smart as individuals.
  • Hipsters And Long Tails: Here I talk about Dr. Burton's post about long tails and how that correlates with the new cultural trend of hipsters. I discuss why the long tail is both beneficial for those who like to find new and obscure things, and detrimental since that means others can find them as well.
  • Make Something: This is where I discuss the AMAZING presentation by the employee of blizzard. I talk about how he inspired me to go out and do something with my life, to make something to make the world a better place and use the talents I have. It is an incredible opportunity to live in the digital Age where obsessed maniacs can congregate and do amazing things never before thought possible!
  • Moby Dick -- A Story To Remember: This is where I finally start making some intelligent arguments about the categorizing of Moby Dick and what it means. I find myself really appreciating the story and what it does for us. I also discuss a scholarly article about Ahab and how I agree with it and disagree with its assessment of the book.
  • Post On Conference: Here I talk about how conference has influenced me to remember the good things and try to avoid bashing people or things on the internet. Edward Dube's talk influenced the way I see behavior online and how I need to push forward instead of looking back.
As I have looked through the many posts I have completed as well as my classmates posts and topics I find myself continually drawn to the idea of entertainment online. Many of the bloogers on Team Stubb talked about how they see video games differently since we discussed it in class and have done further research into how video games (and other forms of online entertainment such as music, fandoms (well, I talked about that) and social media) affect society. I have become increasingly more interested in the way people in the digital age entertain themselves and whether that is as bad a thing as my mother and other members of the "older generation" (or, generation before ours) seem to think it is.

Dr. Burton gave an excellent lecture in class about the benefits of video games. He talked about video games that I have been prejudiced against and haven't wanted around me, giving examples of how immersive they are and how they can display a whole new kind of scholarly study. He also has been a constant pusher for social media (such as google+ and blogger, which we use constantly for this class) and how that can help us not only get our names out into the world but also help us with our scholarly studies and make it possible to find information that we never would have come across before. I'm already in the process of writing a paper for another class using the tools he taught us.

So how do people entertain themselves online? Is it affecting the way we live our lives in a negative or positive way? Or both? What benefits can we gain from finding new entertainment versus the negative consequences that are also present?

1 comment:

  1. As with anything, I think there are always pros and cons. Obviously cons would include inappropriate entertainment (availability of addictive pornography), which ruins families and relationships. I think that the benefits of positive online entertainment promote togetherness and unity. For example, this past weekend my whole family gathered around the iPad and watched videos like the little girl whose dad accompanies her on a pink ukelele, the cat that jumps off the ledge to the music of "Sail," the sisters' trust fall video... the list could go on and on. These videos launched nostalgic childhood memories that brought everyone together and made us laugh for hours. Good, wholesome entertainment promotes discussion and togetherness. But what makes it so successful online is its convenient accessibility for everyone to enjoy together. Love this topic. You should also ask your husband for insight since he's all about the gaming world.
